Monday, April 1, 2013


I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Even at 26 years old the Easter bunny still finds his way to my house and leaves wonderful treats. The treats are nice and so is the Easter ham, but its more than that. For me, it was the sight of the flowered cross that took my breath away at church. As I watched the children bring flowers up the aisle and give them to an older youth who placed them on the cross, I thought to myself, something that was once dead is now blooming with life. Something about the way the light was shining on the cross, it felt illuminated to me. And it was. The whole church was illuminated with God's presence and that my friends, is a wonderful feeling! I pray you experienced something like that on Easter.

Not only did my family celebrate Easter this weekend but we celebrated the Teak's 82nd birthday, one week early. My momma traveled up for the weekend and we have had a great time. When she arrived on Friday night, I helped her unload and then we watched ballgames and got caught up. We stayed up to 11 just talking. I cherish the time that we get to spend together, just the three of us. Three generations laughing and talking. Telling old stories and hearing new gossip. This is something that I will miss the most when we move. I will miss the late night conversations with my momma and the Teak. Some much wisdom in those ladies. Honey, I have lots to learn about life but I also have great teachers.

On Saturday, we traveled to Winchester and visited Aunt T's house. I had never been there since they moved "into the city" and after the grand tour was over, Beth, Aunt Mitz, and Alyssa were there. We all traveled to downtown Winchester to the cutest restaurant. Sumyr met us there and we had lunch together. I can't remember a time when the women of the Whiteker family sat down to a meal together. No boys. No babies. Just the girls. It was wonderful. Our conversation was uninterrupted and the hunting channel and/or cartoons wasn't on in the background. The restaurant was girly too which helped set the tone for the day. We ordered things like chicken salad with fruit and quiche. Things our boys would never order or fill up on.

We sat around the table and the conversation flowed and we all had a great time. Again, it showed me the power of a good conversation. We laughed and cried; told stories; thought about the future; relived the past and enjoyed the present moment. It was a great lunch nonetheless. We walked off our lunch by stopping in a few shops that were just the cutest.

That night, Ross and Beth ate dinner with Teak, Mom, and I. I have very fond memories of sitting down to dinner at Teak's kitchen table. Mom, Ross, Teak, and I could sit at the dinner table for 30 minutes after we have ate just talking. At some point, someone gets up and starts on the dishes but not because we want to. Saturday night was no different. I enjoyed having the five of us together and sharing a meal together. The conversation was nice and it was nice to have "my" family (minus Jace) together.

This weekend I walked away with a love for my Savior who died for me and my countless sins so that I can live with him for eternity. I also walked away with love in my heart for my family and the wonderful conversations that were had.

Ross and Beth

Me and Ho

Us with the Teak

Our sweet momma!

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