I had a lunch meeting today and one of the ladies I met with is married to an attorney, turned law professor. Her son is at UK Law and her daughter dates a first year law student. Needless to say, her family is surrounded by law.
I can talk to Sue about law school. She taught me to embrace this time when Jace is super busy with work and school and to take this time for me...and I have. In turn, I hope I have helped her understand her daughter's situation with dating a law student and understanding the emotions that come with being a law student's girlfriend.
I was telling Sue of my dream to write a book for law school spouses/girlfriends. I joke with Jace all the time that my book will be a hit! I will be the breadwinner and we will live off the royalties of the book. Basically, I will be his sugar momma!!!!
But in all seriousness, I think I would write about the
joy the student experiences of accomplishing the goal of getting into professional school. More than likely the girlfriend/spouse was a part of that journey and what a blessing it is to watch them achieve their dreams.
Another chapter would be about the
understanding that has to take place. This understanding will have to be relearned each semester and with each round of finals. You have to understand they are busy. You will be on the back burner. Honey, some days you won't even be on the stove. The books, studying, outlines come first. You come second, at best.
Next chapter:
acceptance. Accept that you will have a range of emotions. Lord, help but did y'all read my post from Tuesday? Girlfriend, had emotion that day!!! Some days you will love it because they are happy, other days you will be pissed, other days you are indifferent and it is just a day. Some days you can't wait for graduation and the next day you can't believe the time has passed so quickly and want to hold on for a little bit longer. You will feel thankful; thankful for the wonderful people you get to meet and become your law school family. These people truly get it. Love them because you too know what they are going through and everyone needs support.
Fourth chapter:
Faith. Put full faith in the Lord on this journey. God is a funny, funny man. What your plans are may not be His! He may reveal to you to do something that you hadn't even thought of. Throw away your plans and pray that at the end of the day that you are doing His will. Know that you will pray through finals and He is the ultimate test taker. He will get you through the rough patches and praise him in all situations. This is much easier to do when those times are joyous but remember you prayed and dreamed about law school. Even during the rough periods, you are still living your dream.
Fifth chapter:
Understand you aren't in law school for a reason. Attorneys know the Latin translations, use big words that we don't know the definition of, most like to argue, and are sometimes political. You may not want to know the Latin translation of every word that that is OK. When Jace tells me about cases, I barely understand the watered-down version and that is fine by me. I didn't choose to go to law school and don't need to know that stuff. He does but I don't. Thesis of this chapter: it is ok to not understand what they do.
Sixth chapter:
Explanation. While in law school, more than likely your friends and their spouses will be in the workforce, having babies, and making money. You will have to constantly explain what you are doing, how much longer they will be in school, when the Bar exam is, how long it takes to get the results back, etc. Learn to embrace this. People are asking you because they love you and want to know.
Seventh chapter:
Support. Support each other. Law school is emotionally draining to spouses and is every form of draining to the student. Support one another, always be in each other's corner, stand next to each other on this journey. Support the student in other ways too. Give them the space and time to study because after all they aren't just doing this for themselves, they are doing it for you and your future family.
Now I just have to expand these short chapter descriptions into full fledged chapters, come up with a title, write my dedication page, find a publicist, editor, someone to promote my book, etc. Maybe I could interview other law spouses and get their input. Basically, what I am saying is that I am on my way to becoming an author of a New York Times Bestseller! Easily my book could be adapted for medical, dental, pharmacy students and their spouses as well. Do you think my book would be a hit? Maybe I should just stick to this little ol' blog...